Welcome to The Changebase!

Hi everyone and thanks for stopping by The Changebase. As the tagline says, The Changebase is all about Creating, Promoting, and Leveraging Communities of Change. My vision for this blog is to create a first resource for passionate, motivated changemakers who want to learn and share. Whether it's corporate social responsibility, environmental sustainability, social entrepreneurship, nonprofit management, or somewhere in between: everyone is welcome to read, comment, and exchange ideas about change.

As the site gets more developed, you'll most likely see some changes in content and format. For now, take a look at a couple of things:

  • Take a moment to explore the links listed at the top of the page, especially the Creating, Promoting and Leveraging tabs. These sections will grow and build over time and will depend on your input and comments.
  • Next, spend a little time reading over the Blogroll and Helpful Sites on the left margin. There are some really terrific bloggers and thinkers out there and this list can serve as a resource for your learning.
  • Finally, on the right margin you'll see my recent comments on Twitter. If you haven't started tweeting yet, I highly recommend it--there's an incredible network of very smart, very talented people on it and I've learned a lot so far. If you like what you see, feel free to follow me here.

Again, thanks for taking some time to check out The Changebase. I encourage you to come back often as I'll be updating it frequently. And please don't hesitate to get in touch with suggestions, comments, and questions. Until then, happy reading!
